Background and Context
JCJ Architecture completed this multi-phased project which brings the current Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School and Breakthrough Magnet School North onto a combined campus. JCJ reimagined and renovated the facility to an As-New condition for the 2020 academic year.
Although not currently on the historic register, the 1922 Neo-Gothic Thomas Snell building is a contributing building to a historic district and as such received appropriate SHPO approvals. The facility has many features that were preserved and revitalized. The historically sensitive elements that were restored include stained and leaded glass windows, masonry façade, terrazzo corridors, columns and decorative elements in the Auditorium and Gymnasium.

Building Configuration
Originally known as Weaver High School, the building was carefully evaluated and reconstructed in alignment with current programmatic needs and to create next generation learning environments. The building now accommodates two schools that have distinct and separate vertical/horizontal circulation but share significant core spaces such as Auditorium, Media Center, and Debate Room. The Breakthrough Magnet School North serves 400 students, Grades PreK-5 and the Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School serves 400 students in Grades 6-8. The building incorporates a dental clinic and spaces for Special Education ECAT and IGOAL programs. A two-story addition for middle school dining as well as a multipurpose space, used primarily by the elementary students, has an operable wall between to transform into shared space. Outdoor courtyards allow classrooms access to natural daylight, play space and additional outdoor learning classrooms.
2022 AIA Connecticut Design Merit Award, Interior Architecture
2022 Retrofit Metamorphosis Award, 3rd Place Whole Building Category
2022 Preservation Connecticut Award of Merit
2021 Connecticut Building Congress Project Team Award of Merit